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DECam G_SDSS filter: ~60 mosaic tiles
DECam I_SDSS filter: ~70 mosaic tiles
The third channel for completing the RGB has been created starting from G and I using the Ballesteros Blackbody Estimator.

Data copyright: NOIRLab/DECam/CTIO
Assembling and processing: R. Colombari

DECam is a high-performance, wide-field CCD imager mounted at the prime focus of the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, with 62 science CCDs (60.5 useful) with 520 megapixels and images 3 square degrees (2.2 degree wide) field at 0.263 arcsecond/pixel resolution. DECam is a facility instrument, available to all users. DECam was built to carry out the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Project by the DES Collaboration, which finished observations in January 2019. We can accommodate programs from small to large, and also those with special requirements such as synoptic and target of opportunity. Most of the programs fit within a "half night" organization, which provides a better match of program requirements to lunar phase than does whole night scheduling. Note that observations are taken "classically," with astronomers present at the telescope, although we can also under pre-arranged conditions support remote observing from a permanent and tested remote observing facility. We do not offer queue observing. Please do not hesitate to contact us (
[Text source: NOIRLab]

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